Selasa, 22 Maret 2011


So long I didn't update this cuz my penguin banned forever... but we're back to post up CP newest events and BIG thanks to my friend for borrowing his penguin to me!!

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Brown Puffle DISCOVERED!

Sorry, late posting, but we're still update :-)
I will tell you the way to get into the Cliff (the machine thing) this is the way:
Right, top, right, down, left, down, and finally right.
And, the #30 Field Ops, on the Mountain Pole!

-Keep Waddle On!

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Happy New Year Giveaway!

Happy New Year Enventers! Isn't the date beautiful? 01-01-2011! And I gonna make a giveaway.
  • Meet me on Xats, and try to ask me for coin codes (SERIES 1,2,3 ONLY) or membership (1 MONTH ONLY). 
  • Buy it! It's New Year Sale until 9 January! 
Coin Codes Prices:
  1. Coin code Series 1 : 12 xats or 2 days    BEST OFFER! : buy 3 only for 20 xats or 3 days!
  2. Coin Code Series 2 : 25 xats or 4 days    BEST OFFER! : buy 4 only for 30 xats or 5 days!
Sorry if the series 3,4,5,6,7 are sold out!
  1. Coin code series 8 : 86 xats or 6 days     best offer is unavailable
  2. Coin code series 9 : 94 xats or 7 days     best offer is unavailable
  3. Coin code series 10 : 115 xats or 12 days     best offer is unavailable
  4. Coin code series 11 : 200 xats or 18 days     best offer is unavailable
Memberships Prices:

  1. 1 month : 125 xats or 10 days
  2. 3 months : 250 xats or 23 days
Sorry if I can't afford 6 months or 1 year.
Accepted combinations:

  1. Coin code Series 10 : 95 xats and 7 days
  2. Coin code Series 11 : 127 xats and 10 days
  3. 1 month : 100 xats and 15 days
  4. 3 months : 175 xats and 27 days
I hope these stocks will fastly sold!

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Stamps Are Free!

You could get the Coins For Change Stamps for Free-even you don't have even coins! It's easy, just donate it, and you will get those stamps!

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Rink is BACK!

Woohoo! I love Rink, and finally, it's BACK!
So much penguins went there!