Selasa, 09 November 2010


Guys, these are some questions that MAYBE will happen (MEMBERS ONLY) :

  1. If Club Penguin didn't come to release up the Card Jitsu Water, how do you feel?
  2. If Club Penguin doing Free Gifts For Members, what will happen to you? And why?
  3. What do you want to do if Club Penguin giving free Coin Codes?
Answer all these questions (NON-MEMBERS ONLY):
  1. If you are now a member, what will you do? And why?
  2. If Club Penguin having Birthday and giving free memberships to all penguins that online at the same day, what will you guys do?
  3. If Club Penguin gonna make FREE Clothes on Catalouge, how do you feel?
I hope all the answers are based on YOUR HEART (and penguins, don't lie!).


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